Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment (SRNA)


What are Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment Services? 

The SRNA assessment is to assess your injury related support or rehabilitation needs.

This will provide recommendations to ACC that will assist you to live as independently and safely as possible following an injury. 

The assessment provides information which identifies what supports may be required to help with your injury-related needs. Natural supports already in place are taken into consideration before making recommendations.

There are two types of assessments: 

 • Integrated Rehabilitation Assessment (IRA) this may look at a cross section of issues and potential supports. 

• Single Discipline Assessment (SDA) this is a more specific assessment request that is generally looking at one particular issue. 

A Single Discipline Assessment may be completed by one of the following: 

• Physiotherapist 
• Occupational Therapist 
• Nurse 
• Speech Language Therapist 
• Dietician 
• Social Worker

The Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment service includes: 

• assessment of your support needs  
• trialling of equipment where equipment has been identified as being appropriate 
• providing recommendations to ACC based on the assessed need.

Privacy & Confidentiality

All information collated as part of the assessment is confidential. You have the right to access a copy of the completed report from your referrer.


The Body In Motion assessor will explain the process of the assessment and your rights throughout the service. You may include whānau, an advocate, support person or legal representative if this is required.

Cultural needs

Any specific cultural or religious needs related to your care will be considered in the assessment.
Body In Motion is contracted by ACC to provide Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessments in Bay of Plenty and Waikato. This service is actioned on receipt of referral from ACC.

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