
Refer someone you know to Body In Motion.

Body In Motion thrives to lead the provision of evidence-based treatment, rehabilitation and preventative healthcare in our community by delivering an exceptional client experience with a diverse team of multidisciplinary health professionals through the integration of quality care, technology, education, research and innovative systems.

With our extensive network of experts throughout the Bay of Plenty and Waikato, your patients' rehabilitation is our priority.


Referral Form for GP’s and Specialists 

To refer patients to our ICP Services, Concussion Service or Pain Service.

Referral Form for ACC Case Managers (ACC contracts we hold in the Waikato and BOP region)

Back to Work (BTW) and Job Search (JS)

Concussion Services (CCS)

Integrated Care Pathway (ICP MSK)

Pain Management Services (PMS)

Psychological Services

Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessments (SRNA)

Stay At Work (SAW)

Training for Independence Programmes (TI & TIAS)

To refer to us: Please send ACC referrals directly through to

Referral Form for Employers

To refer your employee to our Return to Work Service.

Want to know more?
Contact us today.