

A concussion happens when your head hits another object or is rapidly shaken and causes your brain (inside the skull) to bounce around. This ‘bouncing around can cause bruising and swelling – the symptoms of which can be diagnosed as concussion. Events such as contact sports, car accidents, assaults, and falls can result in a concussion. It may also be described as a mild brain injury. Sometimes there is a small period of time when you lose consciousness, but not always. You may not recall the event or for a short time afterwards.

The ACC Concussion Service is an interdisciplinary service consisting of triage, assessments and therapy to support people to recover from a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury and return to everyday life.
The Concussion Service also aims to prevent long- term consequences by identifying people at risk of persisting symptoms and providing them with effective interventions and education. Education is also provided to people to reduce the incidence of re-injury.

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