Vocational Rehabilitation


Returning to work following injury or illness can be daunting.  Body In Motion is here to guide you through the journey to independence.  Our multidisciplinary team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and vocational consultants work together to offer a seamless service that empowers you to return to your work safely.

Hurihia tō aroaro ki te rā tukuna tō ātārangi kia taka ki muri i a koe
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

Body In Motion offer vocational rehabilitation to assist returning you to your pre-injury or pre-illness work role, through graduated return to work plans and work-related physical rehabilitation.  We also utilise other health professionals as needed, such as psychologists and medical specialists. We will work with you and your employer to implement a comprehensive service that meets your needs.

If returning to your previous job is not possible, our vocational consultants can assist with all areas of preparing you to seek new employment, and helping guide your rehabilitation to make sure you are prepared physically, mentally and vocationally.

Our strong community networks and connections with many locally based employers enable Body In Motion to trial various work roles you may be interested in. Our vocational rehabilitation services are funded by insurers, employers and ACC.  Talk to us today about your needs.

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